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Writer's picturecharlieheels

Spotlight On: Charlie Heels, Marketing Executive

Continuing on with our monthly 'Spotlight On' story about a member of our team, this month it's the turn of Marketing Executive, Charlie Heels.

What do you do/job role at Venture 1

My role at Venture 1 is Marketing Executive.

What sort of things do you do day-to-day at Venture 1?

Like the majority of us at Venture 1, my role is very diverse, meaning everyday is different. I'm in charge of the running and maintenance of all marketing operations, which mainly consists of website, social and email campaign work. Every morning starts with a catch up with the whole of the Sales and Marketing team, which I find inspires me to get going. Outside of Marketing, I also organise all the company's social activities, which we hold with all of the team at least once a month.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Venture 1?

This is an easy one - the people! I'm fortunate enough to be able to work with what I believe are some of the cleverest people within the technology space, meaning everyday is always full of opportunities to learn something new and exciting. Also, with everyone having overlapping skill sets, collaboration has always been important to me. Working with different colleagues on different projects, both inside and outside of marketing, is always open to me with all the fantastic people at Venture 1.

If you could invite any 3 people round for dinner who would it be?

For me I would want 3 different people that fit around my passions and hobbies.

1) - Frank Lampard - I'm a life long Chelsea fan, meaning this would be an absolute no brainer - no questions needed - a legend of the highest order!

2) - Elon Musk - Understanding engineering and knowing how things works is something I've always been passionate about, which is why Elon fits the bill. From pioneering electric automotive vehicles to the future of space flight, my questions to him on absolutely everything would be endless!

3) - Jon Wexler - Being an avid 'sneaker head' I had to include someone from the world of trainers. Jon was previously at Adidas for 13 years as VP and helped transform the brand into a highly fashionable one. I'd want to know how and what he would do to keep moving with the times and always stay on the front foot, keeping Adidas right at the very top of the industry.

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