Why we chose Community TechAid
As a Technical Consultancy, we have seen how essential technology has become to how public services are delivered and how necessary digital access is for the public and businesses to stay connected, learn, keep well, access help and advice, and be engaged in society.   
Thousands of South London residents are still digitally excluded to some degree. It is an issue that affects many different people, including children and young people, the elderly, disabled and vulnerable adults.
We were seeking to work with a local non-profit organisation to help facilitate the donation of hardware from our customers. Items needed to be securely wiped and then re-purposed to local residents, schools and charities.
We chose to support Community TechAid through a corporate partnership not only because of our shared values but because they were able to very easily demonstrate the impact that their service was having on our local community, as well as how much more still needed to be done.
Maxine Thurston - Sales and Marketing Director, Venture 1 Consulting
Managing Partner / Argo Energies

of a computer's lifecycle fossil fuels are consumed just by its manufacturing process.
By using donated or remanufactured devices, you can reduce unnecessary carbon emissions by up to 316kgs per device*
The Digital Divide and how Community TechAid help...

The IMPACT we have made so far
of e-waste diverted from landfill that has been refurbished, reconditioned or recycled.
of CO2e emissions avoided by preventing primary material use i.e. building new electrical equipment.
We organise collections from our customers, partners and office neighbours on a regular basis, if you have any old equipment you would like to donate please contact us.
What is an IT Managed Service Provider?A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a company that remotely manages a customer’s IT infrastructure on a proactive basis to agreed SLAs (Service Level Agreement) on an ongoing basis. A Cloud Service Provider also falls under this definition.
Why choose a Managed IT Service?Recruiting experienced IT Staff and continuing to train them is an expensive overhead. By choosing to outsource your IT to a Managed IT Service Provider you will have access to the expertise of a team of highly trained individuals for a fraction of the cost of employing your own in house team.
What are the main benefits of an IT Managed Service?There are many benefits in appointing a Managed IT Service provider. The main ones are specialist expertise, new technology adoption, fixed monthly costs and added peace of mind because you have a specialist team at the end of the phone when you need help.
How do you choose the right IT Managed Service provider?When selecting a Managed IT Service Provider, it is important to assess many factors including the services they offer, their experience and what industry accreditations they hold. Comparing costs should be the last exercise you do as it’s imperative to work alongside the Managed IT Service Provider that is best suited to your business.
Why trust Venture 1?Honesty: Honesty is sadly a quality often missing in business. We always behave in an honest, up-front, transparent manner. That way our customers know where they stand, what to expect, and when to expect it. And most importantly, they trust us. Excellence: We work hard to ensure that both our technical and non-technical skills are not only fully current and up-to-date, but of an exceptionally high standard. We aim to constantly remain a step ahead in excellence. It’s not sufficient to be average – average is for others. Enjoyment: We believe that if you love what you do, you’re generally more committed and you do a better job. We enjoy the work we do, and we believe we give our customers and ourselves the best deal possible as a result. And the day we don’t enjoy it anymore, we’ll stop doing it. After all, what’s life about if it’s not fun
What is Sustainable IT?Venture 1 puts sustainable IT practices at the very core of what we do. This means that we insist on operations and processes that ensures the environmentally responsible and eco-friendly use of computers and their resources – find out more about our Sustainability Pledge here...
Do you have any old devices that can be loved again?
Tell us about them...
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