Continuing with our 'Spotlight On' stories about a member of our team, this month it's the turn of our brand new IT Support Apprentice Mahir Hussein.

What's your role at Venture 1?
Currently a level 3 IT apprentice.
What attracted you to applying for an apprenticeship at Venture 1?
What initially attracted me was the focus on growth which is something that I was focusing on when applying for apprenticeships, plus Venture 1's 4 core values: Decent, Honest, Respectful and Sustainable.
What do you hope to achieve during your first 6 months at Venture 1?
In my first 6 months I hope to gain as much knowledge as I can and become an overall more knowledgeable person to the point that I can apply my knowledge.
What’s your impression of working at Venture 1 so far?
Lots of offering of help (which is important to any apprentices who are looking for an apprenticeship). This has really helped me understand the company.
Favourite Film: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.
Favourite Dinner: Omelette and beans.
Favourite Drink: Water.
Favourite Book: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
Favourite Brand: Anything!
Favourite Emoji:
If you could invite anyone round for dinner, who would it be?
Family by far!
Many thanks to Mahir for participating in our 'Spotlight On' this month, and welcome to teh Venture 1 family!