We ran two of our own events in February! A ‘Donation Drive’ supporting local charities and good causes with pledges from donor organisations to re-purpose unused and unwanted technology. If you would like to know more about how you can make a difference to the ‘Digital Divide’ please click here.
The other was an on-line webinar covering Microsoft’s TSI (Tech for Social Impact) program. This is aimed at charities and not-for-profit organisations, with a range of benefits available including free licences and grants. More details of this can be found here.
Moving forward into March, we are going to a couple of Trade Shows to engage with other ‘like-minded’ organisations and learn how they are looking at new ways of working to recover from the impact of the pandemic on the UK market.
One is the Business Innovation Expo to meet and network with exhibitors and fellow visitors and learn from a panel of expert speakers. The other is the Remote Working Expo focussing on the latest trends in the remote working/hybrid models now being adopted in all organisations.