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Priority Goal 13

UN Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Climate Change)

The aim of UN Sustainability Goal 13 is to "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts" At its essence, that means focussing on:

  • Reducing activities that contribute to harmful climate change.

  • Taking action to redress the negative balance of climate change today.  

  • Improving education and awareness on climate change and its impact.


We've chosen to start by focussing on implementing a Sustainability Code of Conduct that specifically, but not exclusively, targets sustainable and efficient consumption, reduction of waste and a drive towards becoming a carbon neutral business.

Measurable Targets

We are in the process of finalising our specific targets for this goal.  Please check back shortly. 

Taking Action

To support this goal, we are implementing policies, practices, and schemes within all of our working environments (including our offices, working from home and on customer sites) that:

  1. Drive the sustainable and efficient consumption of required resources such as water, gas and electricity

  2. Increase recycling levels

  3. Discourage unnecessary consumption that impacts natural resources (such as the use of paper)

  4. Encourage sustainability in IT, including the repurposing, remanufacturing or recycling of equipment.

Integral to our plan is our drive towards achieving a Carbon Neutral (net zero) status. We are actively reducing our carbon footprint by reducing emissions and will support ‘Carbon Offsetting’ projects as required to ensure a zero or negative emissions balance.

Performance Data

We will report our specific performance metrics once we have published our measurable targets. In the meantime, here are two things we're very proud of:

  • We're helping to reduce E-waste whilst bridging the Digital Divide in London. Read about our partnership with Community TechAid 

  • We're now offsetting the carbon footprint of all of our staff by planting trees and investing in sustainable global projects. Check out our Ecologi Forest

Supplier Education

We have adopted ongoing practices for communicating the support of our chosen UN Sustainability Goals to our supply chain, along with the importance that other organisations do the same. By supply chain, we mean ourselves (our staff and associates), our suppliers, our partners and our customers.   

Educational activities that we have embarked upon to date include:

  • Internal communications to staff on our goal priorities - reach: all staff

  • Sustainability monthly newsletter articles - reach: staff, associates, suppliers, partners, customers

  • Numerous sustainability social media posts - reach: all followers 

Specifically relating to Goal 13, we have recently launched a new Ethical IT Managed Service, with sustainable IT at its core, helping organisations to reduce their emissions and thus their carbon footprint. This will enable us to take customers beyond education and into action with regards to climate change.

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